About declaring yoga “haram” for Muslims

I send you my greetings from Brazil, where i am attending Earth Dialogues, all continents are represented. People all over the world are becoming disillusioned with human made boundaries and limitations thus created. I also hear about our own clergy Mr. Din Syamsuddin...

Indonesia, the Ahmadiyya and radical Islam

Radical Islam in Indonesia is on the march, and the religious pluralism enshrined in the doctrine of Pancasila is coming under direct attack. Last week the Indonesian government has issued a joint ministerial decree telling the heretical Muslim Ahmadiyya movement to...

The National Resurgence: Reasserting Our Commitment

Sunday, the 20th of May, 1908: A handful of our youth, led by Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, and supported by Dr. Soetomo, Gunawan and Suradji – declared the formation of “Boedi Oetomo”. They laid the foundation for our Independence. The movement would awake the...

What Indonesia Must Learn From The Lebanese Experience

I must make it clear right from the beginning, that I am against the Israeli aggression towards what the media rightly or wrongly quote as Lebanese State. The Israeli aggression, and once again I am against it, is not against the Lebanese State. It is against the...