Jun 10, 2008 | Self Development
“Information Anxiety is now a recognized psychological condition…” writes Nury Vittachi, author of more than 20 commendable books, in his latest, “The Kamasutra of Business” (John Wiley, 2007). He goes further to state: “….some people are beginning to realize that...
Jun 10, 2008 | Self Development
There are people with conscience trying to spiritualize commerce, and there are people without conscience trying to commercialize spirituality. A mediocre can hardly see the difference between the two, much less understand it. The difference, however, can easily be...
Jun 10, 2008 | Self Development
“Those were peaceful days….” We often hear and read such or similar statements made by men and women of distinction, as if peace was prevailing in our society in “those days”. I, for one, would like to disagree with such an opinion. No, peace has never prevailed over...
Jun 10, 2008 | Self Development
The Peacemakers, the real peacemakers are never at peace. They can never work for peace if they are at peace. They are a bunch of disturbed people. They are disturbed with what they see around them. And, they are extremely sensitive. They feel the slightest...
Jun 10, 2008 | Self Development
Someone has sent me a very interesting story that I must share here: Dr Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and founder of the M.K. Gandhi Institute in his June 9 (year not mentioned, but perhaps 2005 – a.k.) lecture at the University of Puerto Rico, shared the...